Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Setting up Google Sync for N97

There are 2 ways that you can store your contacts online, one is using ovi and the other is Google Sync. I have my contacts stored at both locations but I still prefer to use Google Sync because I use Gmail and now Google Voice.

To set up Google Sync with your N97, you need to download Mail for Exchange. I’ve read that it’s available on Ovi Store but I couldn’t find it. However, on the N97 NAM MfE is already pre-installed on the device. All you have to do is open your N97 browser and type in “c:\installation\MailForExchange_S60_5_0.sisx” and hit “go to”. The application will start installing.

After installation, go to applications and open the MfE folder. Launch the application Mail for Exchange. Now continue with Google Sync : Setup Instructions and start synchronizing your contacts.

Remember to back up your contacts first before you sync with google. A couple on my contacts got replaced/deleted.

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